
Double Broker Landing Page


Addressing Illegal Double Brokering

Risks and practical steps freight brokers & motor carriers can take to reduce their exposure

What is double brokering?

Double brokering is when a company with domestic freight broker authority “arranges transit” with a 3rd party motor carrier, and then the motor carrier subsequently arranges with another 3rd party motor carrier without the knowledge and approval of the freight broker who originally contracted the motor carrier to move the shipment.

In all cases creates major financial exposures for freight brokerage operations, shippers and the motor carriers involved in the double brokerage arrangement.


Reasons Not To Double Broker

It is in violation of Map 21 legislation

Invalidates coverage the original motor carrier has in place.

In violation of a sound Broker Carrier agreement.

Damage relationships with freight broker client


Reasons Not To Allow Your Motor Carriers To Double Broker


Prevents the freight broker from conducting the required vetting of the sub-contracted MC moving the freight.


Increase exposures in litigation under negligent hire allegations.


Increase exposure in litigation as MC you “arranged the shipment with won’t have coverage in place”


Payment problems/ shipment being held hostage


Upsets Shippers

How Freight Brokers Can Prevent Double Brokering

Stronger Broker Carrier Agreements

Enhanced vetting to detect double broker risk

Lobbying efforts to engage FMCSA in institution of the Map 21 legislation.

Business model geared for specific industries with smaller network of motor carriers

Report all incidents to FMCSA

Insurance Coverages That Freight Brokerage operations can purchase to reduce exposure associated with Co-brokerage:

  • Cargo Insurance Options: Contingent Cargo Legal, Contingent Cargo Broad Form, Shipper’s Interest trip risk cargo insurance
  • Domestic Freight Broker Auto Liability/Third party liability coverage, Contingent Auto liability coverage.

Risk Management Best Practices To Consider

The National Hiring Standard – Legislation intended to support the defense against allegation of negligent hire, review of the actions freight brokerage operation can take that actually lead to safety standards currently not in place by FMCSA.

Risk Vs Reward in Shipper Broker Contracts

Sell the Value Adds only a Freight Broker can deliver to shippers.

Avoiding the nuclear claim, the switch and bait, how are you holding your operation out to shippers drive exposures to allegation of vicarious liability and the nuclear claim

Learn More About Freight Broker Exposures & What Insurance Coverages Protect Them With Our Free Guide

Definitive Guide For Freight Broker Insurance In 2021

In this guide you will learn:

  • Importance of insurance for brokers
  • Industry statistics & trends
  • Explanation of each coverage
  • Recommended lines & limits

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